Vidwan-ID : 611718

Dr Sagar Sourav

Assistant Professor (Grade-II)
Indian Institute of Technology, Madras



The area of heterogeneous catalysis with specific focus on spectroscopic characterization of catalyst during reaction, complemented by reactivity studies. Additional activities may include system design for spectro-kinetic and aqueous phase characterization studies, reactor design for high pressure and aqueous phase reactions, and code development for automated processing of spectroscopic data.

Personal Information

Dr Sagar Sourav

Depertment of Chemical Engineering 332, NAC Road, Indian Institute Of Technology, Madras
Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India - 600036


  • Assistant Professor (Grade-II)

    Indian Institute of Technology, Madras


  • Ph.D

    National Institute of Technology Rourkela

  • M.Tech

    National Institute of Technology Rourkela

  • B.Tech

    National Institute of Technology Rourkela